Review Your Credit Report And Correct The Errors
Check your credit report and correct errors
Make sure your personal information is correct. This includes your name, social security number, date of birth, address, and telephone number. If you are married, make sure your husband's details are correct. If you divorce, the report must show this.
Check whether your supervisor and job description are explained. If you only work for a while, your ex-employer must also be registered. If you only live in your current address for a short time, you must also enter your address beforehand.
Make sure your registered account and payment history and account balance are correct. Credit card accounts show your credit limit, the amount of your current debt, and whether you pay on time.
The names of companies that have requested your report in the past six months are also listed. Your credit report also includes litigation, detention and bankruptcy.
How do I fix errors?
Send a confirmed letter to the credit bureau and copy it to the company that reported the wrong information. Add to your letter:
Name of company that reports incorrect information;
Why is the information wrong?
Copies of receipts, canceled checks, or other documents that prove the inaccuracy of information.
If your report contains incorrect information, the reporting agent and reporting company are responsible for the correction.
What should a Credit Reporting Agent do?
If the credit bureau accepts your dispute, it must:
Within 5 days, notify the company that provided information that you have submitted a dispute.
Complete the investigation within 30 days of receiving your letter.
If they agree with you
If the credit bureau believes that the information in the report is incorrect, it will send you a repaired report within 30 days.
If they don't agree with you
If you decide that the information in your credit report is accurate, you must tell them why within 5 days of completing the investigation.
If you do not agree with their explanation, you can write your country's history with 100 words. This statement will be part of your credit report.
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